We heard encouraging comments - one young lady said our booth was "the best one at the fair"! And we made contact with some folks who are searching for a church home. Hopefully, our act of not-so-random kindness said to them, "Welcome Home!"
We also had many "thank you's" and "good jobs" concerning our new Answer magazine that went out at the first of the month. We received a fantastic testimony of a young wife and mother who was facing some problems in her marriage. She received Answer, in her words, the "very day" she needed it. She read the lead article, "Stress and Your Marriage," and got her Bible out to look up the scriptures. She was still reading her Bible when her husband came home from work that evening, and she told him he needed to read the article too! Praise the Lord!
Thanks to everyone who helped with the fair booth: Josh, Heather, Tony, Jo, Chris, Ron, Kathy, Jerry, Janice, Ryan, Scott, Ben, Sam, Nick, Mike, Renee, Denise, David, Cameron, Jalen, Greg, Titus, Jim, Michelle, Jimmy, Elisabeth, Annette, Bob, Todd, Kay, and Juanita!